Wildwood's Forever Home

Help us reimagine what a sanctuary can do.

Wildwood's Forever Home image

Well into our second decade of stewarding this thriving nonprofit, it’s both the best and worst of times. While we deal with the daily difficulties of running a growing organization on a property that no longer meets its needs, we are enlivened by what we can accomplish in our next phase.

Wildwood incubated and grew on our founder's personal property, and like most sanctuaries that start this way, we have far outgrown the space. We've reached the property's capacity for housing animals, and we can't expand our ambitious youth and adult education programs here.

We’ve felt the strain, contending with difficulties like well water depletion, increasingly dangerous annual wildfire seasons, and more frequent storms that have introduced the hazards of falling trees and flooded barns. Some of our scariest challenges come from the effects of climate change, which only underscores the urgency for us to grow our mission of protecting nature, promoting compassion, and inspiring change.

Amid the strain and concern, we and also inspired by our vision, and we think we're about to change the public’s perception of what an animal sanctuary can be.

We envision a new home for our sanctuary that is a vibrant hub of education, action, and sanctuary for humans, animals, and the environment.

We will:

  • Expand our capacity to rescue and house more animals and save more lives
  • Continue to be a resource for law enforcement agencies to place animals seized from criminal abuse and neglect cases
  • Accommodate more of the guided hike and tour requests we receive every day
  • Offer workshops that teach people to use native plants in their landscaping
  • Teach the public how to safely manage the increasing proximity of domestic and wild animals
  • Provide a place of refuge and recovery for weary activists and undercover investigators. While they spend time on the sanctuary, resting and enjoying positive interactions with happy animals, they can take free lessons from our talented board members and volunteers who teach yoga, meditation, and Jiu Jitsu. We see this as a way to strengthen the movement by helping activists and investigators continue in this often heartbreaking but increasingly urgent work.


Our capital campaign will raise the funds to secure a permanent home for Wildwood's animals and programs. We will remain within an hour's drive of Portland, on a property that's 40 or more acres, with adequate water supply and less direct risk of forest fires and fallen trees.

Suitable properties in our area are listing for $900,000 to $1.2 million.

We have donations and pledges of nearly $300,000. We have a strong start.


Your tax-deductible donations help secure the future of this community resource.

We have donor recognition options that can create a lasting legacy.

$250,000 or more: You can name a large-animal habitat or a barn, with durable signs to mark your impact

$100,000 - $249,999: Naming rights for a pasture, with durable signs to mark your impact

$50,000 - $99,999: Naming rights for a hen house, duck habitat, or other small-animal habitat, with signs

All gifts of $5,000 or more: Your name and short message displayed on our permanent Wall Of Gratitude, plus an invitation for you and three friends to attend our exclusive first-peek reception and property dedication

Please contact our Vice-President, Michelle Blake, with questions or ideas. Michelle@WildwoodFarmSanctuary.org